Councils must be free to do well their work of study, reflection, and advising. In that way they contribute to the wisdom of pastors. The pastor offers councillors that freedom by explaining exactly what they need to make good decisions. For more information, click on one of the links below.

Investigating, discerning, and reaching conclusions, councillors need the freedom to do their work thoroughly.
- Spirituality of freedom. Pastors and councillors must have the freedom to do their jobs properly.
- Representation. The council “represents” by “making present” the community’s wisdom.
- Council secretaries. They compare what the agenda says the meeting is about with what actually takes place during the meeting.
- Why join? Councillors should offer the best advice they can, even when it is not always taken.
- Wisdom tradition. Fear of the Lord, not a group process technique, is the beginning of wisdom.