
DPC LogoSmallBooks and Articles about Parish Pastoral Councils

The following resources are taken from Mark F. Fischer, Parish Councils Becoming Pastoral (New York and Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, 2010).

Ahlin, Robert J. “Parish Councils: A Theological and Canonical Foundation.” Dissertation for the Degree of Licentiate in Canon Law. The Catholic University of America, 1982.

Anchorage, Archdiocese of. Pastoral Council Manual: A Call to Discern as Disciples. Office of Evangelization, Archdiocese of Anchorage. Approved by Most Rev. Roger L. Schwietz, OMI, June 24, 2005).  Accessed Feb. 5, 2009.

Baker, Thomas, and Frank Ferrone. Liturgy Committee Basics: A No-Nonsense Guide. Washington, D.C.: Pastoral Press, 1985.

Baltimore, Archdiocese of. Building One Body in Christ: The Ministry of the Parish Pastoral Council. With a letter from William Cardinal Keeler, Archbishop of Baltimore. First published, 1995. Second printing, Baltimore: Archdiocese of Baltimore, 1997.

Bannon, William J., and Suzanne Donovan. Volunteers and Ministry: A Manual for Developing Parish Volunteers. New York and Ramsey: Paulist, 1983.

Bausch, William J. The Hands-On Parish. Mystic: Twenty-Third Publications, 1989.

Beal, John P., James A. Coriden, and Thomas J. Green, Editors. New Commentary on the Code of Canon Law. Commissioned by the Canon Law Society of America. New York and Mahwah: Paulist Press, 2000.

Bishops, Sacred Congregation for. Directory for the Pastoral Ministry of Bishops (Apostolorum successores), February 22, 2004. Signed by Giovanni Battista Cardinal Re (Prefect for the Congregation) and Francesco Monterisi (Secretary). Approved by Pope John Paul II (who ordered its publication). Published on the Vatican website. Accessed on September 6, 2007.

Bishops, Sacred Congregation for. Directory on the Pastoral Ministry of Bishops (Ecclesiae imago, May 31, 1973). English translation prepared by the Benedictine monks of the Seminary of Christ the King in Mission, British Columbia. Ottawa: Canadian Catholic Conference, 1974. Excerpts from the translation were published as “Bishops and Shared Responsibility/Vatican Text,” Origins 4:4 (June 20, 1974): 62-64. Original text: Sacra Congregatio Pro Episcopis, Directorium de Pastorali Ministerio Episcoporum. Vatican City: Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, 1973.

Broderick, Robert C. Parish Council Handbook: A Handbook to Bring the Power of Renewal to Your Parish. Chicago: Franciscan Herald Press, 1968.

Caparros, E.; M. Thériault, J. Thorn, Editors. Code of Canon Law Annotated. Latin-English edition of the Code of Canon Law and English-language translation of the 5th Spanish-language edition of the commentary prepared under the responsibility of the Instituto Martín de Azpilcueta (Navarra). A collaboration of the Faculties of Canon Law of the University of Navarra in Spain and Saint Paul University in Canada. Montréal: Wilson and Lafleur Limitée, 1993.

Castelli, Jim, and Joseph Gremillion. The Emerging Parish: The Notre Dame Study of Catholic Life Since Vatican II. San Francisco: Harper and Row, Publishers, 1987. See Leege and Gremillion.

Champlin, Joseph. “Ten Guiding Principles of Parish Councils.” Written in consultation with the Presbyteral Council of the Diocese of St. Augustine. St. Augustine, FL: Office of the Chancery, 1985.

Charlotte, Diocese of (2007). See Jugis, Peter.

Charlotte, Diocese of (1999). Parish Pastoral Council and Commissions Manual. Prepared by the Office of Planning for Most. Rev. William G. Curlin (dated 12/08/99). Accessed April 27, 2007. The Charlotte manual was completely revised in 2007.

Cleveland, Diocese of. Parish Finance Council Policy. Cleveland, OH: Diocese of Cleveland, 1991.

Clergy, Sacred Congregation for the. Circular Letter on “Pastoral Councils.” Published as “Patterns in Local Pastoral Councils” (Omnes Christifideles, January 25, 1973). Origins 3:12 (Sept. 13, 1973): 186-190. Also published in reference to canon 423 in James I. O’Connor, editor, The Canon Law Digest, vol. VII, pp. 280-288. Available at For the Latin text, see Sacra Congregatio Pro Clericis. “Litterae circulares ad Patriarchas, Primates, Archiepiscopos, Episcopos aliosque locorum Ordinarios. De Consiliis Pastoralibus iuxta placita Congregationis Plenariae mixtae die 15 Martii 1972 habitae: Normae statuuntur novae circa compositionem, naturam, munera modumque procedendi Consilii Pastoralis in unaquaque Dioecesi.” Omnes Christifideles, 25 Januarii 1973. In Ochoa, Xaverius, Editor. Leges Ecclesiae post Codicem iuris canonici editae. Collegit, digessit notisque ornavit Xaverius Ochoa (until 1985). Institutem Iuridicum Claretianum. 8 volumes. Vatican City: Libreria Editrice Vaticana; and Rome: Commentarium Pro Religiosis, 1973-1998. See vol. V: “Leges Annis 1973-1978 Editae” (1980), columns 6444-6449.

Clergy, Sacred Congregation for the. “The Priest, Pastor and Leader of the Parish Community.” “Instruction” from the Sacred Congregation for the Clergy, published on August 4, 2002. Signed by Dario Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos (Prefect of the Congregation) and by Csaba Ternyak (Secretary of the Congregation and Titular Archbishop of Eminenziana). Pope John Paul II approved the instruction and ordered its publication. Published on the Vatican website ( and accessed on July 30, 2007.

Clergy, Sacred Congregation for the, and representatives from the Pontifical Council for the Laity, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, the Congregation for Bishops, the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, and the Pontifical Council for the Interpretation of Legislative Texts. Instruction on Certain Questions Regarding Collaboration of the Non-Ordained Faithful in the Sacred Ministry of Priest (Ecclesiae de Mysterio). Approved “in forma specifica” by Pope John Paul II and promulgated on August 15, 1997. Available on the official Vatican website, Accessed on October 12, 2007.

Coetus studiorum de populo Dei. Report on the meeting of April 19, 1980. Communicationes 13 (1981): 146.

Cooperrider, David L., Suresh Srivastva and others. Appreciative Management and Leadership. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1990.

Cooperrider, David L.; Peter F. Sorensen, Jr., Diana Whitney, and Therese F. Yaeger, editors, Appreciative Inquiry: Rethinking the Organization Toward a Positive Theory of Change. Champaign, IL: Stipes Publishing LLC, 2000.

Cunningham, Richard C. “The Laity in the Revised Code.” In James H. Provost, ed. Code, Community, Ministry: Selected Studies for the Parish Minister Introducing the Revised Code of Canon Law. Washington, D.C.: Canon Law Society of America, 1983. Pp. 32-37.

Dalton, William. “Parish Councils or Parish Pastoral Councils?” Studia Canonica 22 (1988): 169-185.

DeLambo, David. Lay Parish Ministers: A Study of Emerging Leadership. A study conducted for the Committee on the Laity of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops with major support of the Lilly Endowment, Inc., and additional fuding from the Emerging Models of Pastoral Excellence Project. New York: National Pastoral Life Center, 2005.

DeLambo, David, and Richard Krivanka. “Appreciative Inquiry: A Powerful Process for Parish Listening and Planning.” Chapter 5 in Fischer and Raley, pp. 87-101.

Des Moines, Diocese of. Pastoral Councils (2001). The ad hoc Pastoral Council Planning Committee which formed the original document included: Mrs. Candy Chambers, Rev. David Fleming, Dr. Luvern Gubbels, Rev. Wayne Gubbels, Mrs. Cindee Hays, Rev. Gene Koch, Mrs. Shirley Koeppel, and Rev. Paul Monahan. The “Introduction” stated that “This final document has been accepted for implementation by Bishop [Joseph L.] Charron for the formation of the Diocese of Des Moines Pastoral Council. Over time, these new Pastoral Council Principles and Guidelines will direct the restoration and/or renewal of both diocesan and parish pastoral councils” (p. 1), accessed Feb. 5, 2009.

Doyle, Michael, and David Straus. How to Make Meetings Work: The New Interactive Method. Second Printing. Originally Published in 1976. New York: Jove Books, 1983.

Doyle, Ruth T.; Robert E. Schmitz, and Mary Beth Celio, Editors. Laity, Parish and Ministry. Monograph no. 1 in the series Research Monographs of the Catholic Research Forum of the Conference for Pastoral Planning and Council Development. New York: Office of Pastoral Research and Planning, Archdiocese of New York, 1999.

Dubuque, Archdiocese of. Manual for Parish Councils. Unfinished draft of April 3, 2007. It includes a three-page “Annual Planning Process” (pp. 4-6).

Ebener, Dan R.  Servant Leadership Models for Your Parish.  New York and Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, 2010.

Fargo, Diocese of. Diocesan Pastoral Council Handbook [which includes maps dated 06.30.05]. Sent as an email attachment from Very Rev. Brian Moen, Chancellor, January 29, 2007.

Ferguson, Jane. A Handbook for Parish Pastoral Councils. Dublin, Ireland: The Columba Press, 2005.

Flaherty, John P., Editor. Diocesan Efforts at Parish Reorganization. A Report Published by the Conference for Pastoral Planning and Council Development. Clearwater, FL: CPPCD, 1995.

Flaherty, John. “Planning: Idol or Icon of Pastoral Councils?” chapter 7 of Fischer and Raley, editors, Four Ways, pp. 119-136.

Fleischer, Barbara J. Facilitating for Growth: A Guide for Scripture Groups and Small Christian Communities. Collegeville, MN: The Liturgical Press, 1993.

Froehle, Bryan T., and Mary L. Gautier. Catholicism USA: A Portrait of the Catholic Church in the United States. Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate, Georgetown University. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2000.

Froehle, Bryan T., and Mary L. Gautier. National Parish Inventory Project Report. Washington, D.C.: Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate at Georgetown University, October, 1999.

Gaylord, Diocese of (2005). Parish Pastoral/Finance Council Guidelines. Approved by Bishop Patrick R. Cooney. Revised Nov. 2005. Accessed April 27, 2007.

Great Falls – Billings, Diocese of. Parish Pastoral Council Guidelines. Approved by Most. Rev. Anthony M. Milone (05/26/96). Downloaded from and accessed February 2, 2007.

Green, Thomas J. “Critical Reflections on the Schema on the People of God.” Studia Canonica 14 (1980): 235-314.

Green Bay, Diocese of. That All May Be One: Norms for Parish Pastoral Councils. With a letter from Bishop Adam J. Maida. Prepared by Rev. Larry Canavera and Sr. Luanne Smits, SSND. Diocese of Green Bay: Published by the Office of Parish Services, 1986.

Gremillion, Joseph, and Jim Castelli. The Emerging Parish: The Notre Dame Study of Catholic Life Since Vatican II. San Francisco: Harper and Row, 1987. See Leege and Gremillion.

Griese, Orville. “The New Code of Canon Law and Parish Councils.” Homiletic and Pastoral Review 85:4 (January, 1985): 47-53.

Griese, Orville. “Pastor-Parish Council Collaboration.” The Priest 33:2 (February, 1977): 19-22, 24.

Gubish, Mary Ann, and Susan Jenny, SC, with Arlene McGannon. Revisioning the Parish Pastoral Council: A Workbook. New York and Mahwah: Paulist Press, 2001.

Harrisburg, Diocese of. Council Policy and Guidelines. Harrisburg: Diocese of Harrisburg, 1985.

Heaps, John. Parish Pastoral Councils: Co-responsibility and Leadership. Newton, New South Wales: E. J. Dwyer (Australia), 1993. Published in the United States by Morehouse Publishing of Ridgefield, CT.

Hermann, Brenda, and James T. Gaston.  Build a Life-Giving Parish: The Gift of Counsel in the Modern World.  Ligouri, MO: Ligouri Publications, 2010.

Hinze, Bradford E. Hinze. Practices of Dialogue in the Roman Catholic Church: Aims and Obstacles, Lessons and Laments. New York and London: Continuum, 2006.

Howes, Robert G. Creating an Effective Parish Pastoral Council. Collegeville: The Liturgical Press, 1991.

Howes, Robert G. Parish Planning: A Practical Guide to Shared Responsibility. Collegeville: The Liturgical Press, 1994.

John Paul II, Pope. At the Beginning of the New Millennium (Novo millennio ineunte). Apostolic Letter of January 6, 2001. Available at the Vatican web site ( Accessed online on September 11, 2007.

John Paul II, Pope. The Vocation and the Mission of the Lay Faithful in the Church and in the World (Christifideles Laici). Apostolic Exhortation based on the 1987 World Synod of Bishops, whose theme was “Vocation and Mission of the Laity in the Church and in the World 20 Years after the Second Vatican Council.” January 30, 1987. Origins 18:35 (February 9, 1989): 561, 563-595.

John Paul II, Pope. The Church in Asia (Ecclesia in Asia). Apostolic Exhortation of Pope John Paul II presented in New Delhi, India, on November 6, 1999 to more than 100 Asian Bishops. Based on the work of the April 19 – May 14, 1998 Special Assembly for Asia of the Synod of Bishops, one of the regional synods called for by the pope as part of preparations for the Jubilee Year 2000. Available on the official Vatican web site, Downloaded on November 2, 2007.

John Paul II, Pope. Code of Canon Law. Latin-English Edition, copyright 1998 by the Canon Law Society of America. Reprinted in John P. Beal, James A. Coriden, and Thomas J. Green, Editors. New Commentary on the Code of Canon Law. Commissioned by the Canon Law Society of America. New York and Mahwah: Paulist Press, 2000.

John Paul II, Pope. Instruction on Certain Questions Regarding Collaboration of the Non-Ordained Faithful in the Sacred Ministry of Priest (Ecclesia de Mysterio). See Clergy, Sacred Congregation for the, et al.

John Paul II, Pope. I Will Give You Shepherds (Pastores dabo vobis, March 25, 1992). Apostolic Exhortation following the October 1990 Synod of Bishops on the theme of “The Formation of Priests in the Circumstances of the Present Day.” Text and format from Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Washington, D.C.: United States Catholic Conference, 1997.

Jugis, Bishop Peter. “Guiding the Roles of Pastors and Pastoral Councils.” Including Appendix A: “Ministerial Responsibilities of the Commissions” (pp. 511-514) and Appendix B: “Suggested Bylaws for Pastoral Councils” (pp. 514-516). Origins 37:32 (January 24, 2008): 505-516. Accessed 02.13.09.

Keating, John. “Consultation in the Parish.” Origins 14:17 (October 11, 1984): 257, 259-266.

Kenedy, P. J. and Sons. The Official Catholic Directory: 2006. Providence, New Jersey: P. J. Kenedy and Sons, 2006.

Kim Se-Mang, Peter. Parish Councils on Mission: Coresponsibility and Authority among Pastors and Parishioners. Kuala Lumpur: Benih Publisher, 1991.

Laz, Medard. Making Parish Meetings Work. Notre Dame: Ave Maria, 1997.

Leege, David, and Joseph Gremillion, Editors. Notre Dame Study of Catholic Parish Life. Reports 1-10. Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame, 1984-1987. Ninth Report. “Parish Life Among the Leaders,” by David C. Leege. Published in December, 1986 as one of ten independent reports. See Castelli and Gremillion.

Lyons, Bernard. Parish Councils: Renewing the Christian Community. Foreword by Bishop John J. Wright. Techny, IL: Divine Word Publications, 1967.

Lyons, Enda. Partnership in Parish: A Vision for Parish Life, Mission, and Ministry. Blackrock, County Dublin: Columba, 1987.

Roger Mahony and the People of God of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Gathered and Sent: Documents of the Synod of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles 2003. Bilingual (English/Spanish) edition. Edited by Kris Fankhouser et al. Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications, 2003.

Marceaux, Sidney J. “The Pastoral Council.” Doctor of Canon Law dissertation. Rome: Pontifical University of Studies at St. Thomas Aquinas in the City, 1980.

McKinney, Mary Benet. Sharing Wisdom: A Process for Group Decision Making. Allen, TX: Tabor Publishing, 1987. Reprint edition: Chicago: Thomas More Press, 1998.

Mealey, Mark S. “The Parish Pastoral Council in the United States of America: Applications of Canon 536.” Doctor of Canon Law Dissertation, St. Paul University, Ottawa, 1989.

Miller, Robert J. “Inter-Parochial Pastoral Councils: An Emerging Model for Parish Consultative Bodies.” Paper sponsored by the Conference for Pastoral Planning and Council Development and by the National Federation of Priests’ Councils as part of the Emerging Models of Pastoral Leadership, a joint project funded by the Lilly Endowment. Archdiocese of Philadelphia: Office for Research and Planning, 2007.

Milwaukee, Archdiocese of. Living the Spirit: A Parish Council Manual. Fourth edition. Denise Pheifer, Principal Editor. Original copyright 1985. Archdiocese of Milwaukee: Office for Parish Stewardship and Lay Leadership Development, 1991.

Milwaukee, Archdiocese of. Parish Committee Ministry. Milwaukee: Archdiocese of Milwaukee, 1991.

Mogilka, Mark, and Kate Wiskus.  Pastoring Multiple Parishes: An Emerging Model of Pastoral Leadership.  Chicago: Loyola Press, 2009.

Nashville, Diocese of (2004). Parish Pastoral Council Handbook. Prepared by Ministry Formation Services (Joceline Lemaire). Approved by Most. Rev. Edward U. Kmiec (01/15/04). Accessed April 27, 2007.

National Conference of Catholic Bishops, Committee on Budget and Finance. “Diocesan Internal Controls: A Framework.” Washington, D.C.: U.S. Catholic Conference, 1995.

Newsome, Robert R. The Ministering Parish: Methods and Procedures for Pastoral Organization. New York and Ramsey: Paulist Press, 1982.

Norwich, Diocese of. Guidelines for Parish Pastoral Councils. Approved by Most. Rev. Daniel A. Hart. Norwich: Diocese of Norwich, 03/22/01.  Downloaded from and accessed April 27, 2007.

Ochoa, Xaverius, Editor. Leges Ecclesiae post Codicem iuris canonici editae. Collegit, digessit notisque ornavit Xaverius Ochoa (until 1985). Institutem Iuridicum Claretianum. 8 volumes. Vatican City: Libreria Editrice Vaticana; and Rome: Commentarium Pro Religiosis, 1973-1998.

O’Connor, James I., Editor. The Canon Law Digest. Vol. VIII: Officially Published Documents Affecting the Code of Canon Law 1973-1977. Mundelein, IL: Chicago Province of the Society of Jesus, St. Mary of the Lake Seminary, 1978.

Olsen, Charles M. Transforming Church Boards into Communities of Spiritual Leaders. New York: The Alban Institute, 1995.

Paddock, Susan Star. Appreciative Inquiry in the Catholic Church. Plano, TX: Thin Book Publishing Co., 2003.

Pagé, Roch. The Diocesan Pastoral Council. Translated by Bernard A. Prince. Paramus, NJ: Newman Press, 1970. Translation of Roch Pagé, Le conseil diocésain de pastorale. Lieu du dialogue entre les laïcs, les religieux, les prêtres et L’évêque. Thèse présentée à la Faculté de Droit canonique de l’Université Saint-Paul en vue de l’obtention du doctorat en Droit canonique et du Ph.D. (Université d’Ottawa). Montréal: Fides, 1969.

Parise, Michael. “Forming Your Parish Pastoral Council.” The Priest 51:7 (July 1995): 43-47.

Paul VI, Pope. Ecclesiam Suam (August 6, 1964). Encyclical Letter on “The Paths of the Church.” With a Commentary by Gregory Baum, OSA. Glen Rock, NJ: Paulist Press, 1964.

Paul VI, Pope. “Ecclesiae Sanctae I.” Apostolic Letter, written Motu Proprio, on the Implementation of the Decrees Christus Dominus, Presbyterorum Ordinis and Perfectae Caritatis. August 6, 1966. Translated from the Latin text in Acta Apostolica Sedis 58 (1966): 757-787, by Austin P. Flannery. In Vatican Council II. The Documents of Vatican II. Austin P. Flannery, General Editor. Preface by John Cardinal Wright. New York: Pillar Books, 1975.

Pickett, William L. A Concise Guide to Pastoral Planning. Notre Dame, IN: Ave Maria Press, 2007.

Provost, James H. “Canon Law and the Role of Consultation.” Origins 18:47 (May 4, 1989): 793, 795-799.

Pueblo, Diocese of. A Handbook for Parish Pastoral Councils.  Accessed April 27, 2007.

Rademacher, William J. “Parish Councils: Consultative Vote Only?” Today’s Parish 32:3 (March 2000): 6-9.

Rademacher, William J., with Marliss Rogers. The New Practical Guide for Parish Councils. Foreword by Most Rev. Rembert G. Weakland, OSB. Mystic: Twenty-Third Publications, 1988.

Renken, John A. “Parishes and Pastors [cc. 515-544],” in Beal et al., Editors, New Commentary on the Code of Canon Law, p. 711.

Renken, John A. “Parishes without a Resident Pastor: Comments on Canon 517, §2.” In Pfnausch, Editor, Code, Community, Ministry, pp. 100-108.

Renken, John A. “Pastoral Councils: Pastoral Planning and Dialogue among the People of God.” The Jurist 53 (1993): 132-154.

Rexhausen, Jeff, et al. A National Study of Recent Diocesan Efforts at Parish Reorganization in the United States: Pathways for the Church of the 21st Century. Dubuque, IA: Loras College Press, 2004.

Richmond, Diocese of. Norms for Parish Finance Councils. Richmond, VA: Diocese of Richmond, 1991.

Robert, Henry M. Robert’s Rules of Order. Ninth, newly-enlarged edition. Edited by Sarah Corbin Robert, with the Assistance of Henry M. Robert III, William J. Evans. New York: Scott, Foresman, 1990.

Rochester, Diocese of. Parish Pastoral Council Guidelines. Approved by Most R. Matthew H. Clark, Bishop of Rochester, 06/26/00.  Accessed April 27, 2007.

Rockford, Diocese of. Guidelines for Parish Pastoral Councils (09/23/99).  Accessed February 6, 2007.

Ryan, Edward E. How to Establish a Parish Council: A Step-by-Step Program for Setting Up Parish Councils. Chicago: Claretian, 1968.

Sacramento, Diocese of. Parish Pastoral Council Guidelines. Approved by Bishop William K. Weigand, Nov. 21, 2005. Accessed April 27, 2007.

Saint Louis, Archdiocese of. Guidelines for the Ministryof Parish Councils. St. Louis: Archdiocese of St. Louis, 1985.

Scheets, Francis Kelly. “Parish Information Systems – Resources for Ministry,” chapter 9 of Charles E. Zech, editor, The Parish Management Handbook.

Schwab, Marian. “Involving the Right People: Selecting Parish Pastoral Council Members.” Chapter 3 in Fischer and Raley, Editors, Four Ways, pp. 43-60.

Scranton, Diocese of. Directives for Parish Pastoral Councils. Approved by Bishop Francis Martino. Dated 09/21/06. Accessed April 27, 2007.

Seattle, Archdiocese of. Policy and Guidelines for Parish Consultative Structures. Archdiocese of Seattle: Planning and Research Department, 1990. Fourth printing, December, 1993.

Sofield, Loughlan. “A Spirituality for Councils,” in Fischer and Raley, editors, Four Ways, pp. 23-39.

Sofield, Loughlan; Rosine Hammett and Carroll Juliano. Building Community: Christian, Caring, Vital. Notre Dame, IN: Ave Maria, 1998.

Sofield, Loughlan; and Brenda Hermann. Developing the Parish as a Community of Service. New York: Le Jacq Publishing, 1984. Copyright now owned by the Jesuit Educational Center for Human Development in Hartford, Connecticut.

Sudbrack, Josef. “Spirituality (Part I: Concept).” Pp. 1623-29 in Karl Rahner, editor, Sacramentum Mundi: A Concise Dictionary of Theology. Translations edited by John Cumming, Executive Editor. New York: The Seabury Press, 1975.

Sweetser, Thomas, and Carol Wisniewski Holden. Leadership in a Successful Parish. San Francisco: Harper and Row, 1987.

Synod of Bishops (1971). “The Ministerial Priesthood” (De Sacerdotio ministeriali, November 30, 1971). Published in reference to canon 329 in James I. O’Connor, editor, The Canon Law Digest, vol. VII, pp. 342-366. Original text: Synodo Episcoporum, “De Sacerdotio Ministeriali.” Acta Apostolicae Sedis 63 (1971): 897-922.

Tighe, Marie Kevin. “Council Spirituality: Foundation for Mission.” In Deegan, Developing a Vibrant Parish Pastoral Council, pp. 88-99.

Turley, Kathleen. “The Parish Pastoral Council and Prayer.” In Deegan, Developing a Vibrant Parish Pastoral Council, pp. 100-106.

Vatican Council II. “Decree on the Apostolate of Lay People.” Apostolicam actuositatem, November 18, 1965. Translated by Father Finnian, OCSO. In Vatican Council II. The Documents of Vatican II. Austin P. Flannery, General Editor. Preface by John Cardinal Wright. New York: Pillar Books, 1975. Translation of “Decretum: De Apostolatu Laicorum.” In Vaticani II, Cura et Studio Archivi Concilii Oecumenici. Acta Synodalia Sacrosancti Concilii Oecumenici Vaticani. Volumen IV. Periodus Quarta. Pars VI: Congregationes Generalis CLVI – CLXIV. Session Publica VIII. Vatican City: Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, 1978. Pages 609-632.

Vatican Council II. “Decree on the Church’s Missionary Activity.” Ad Gentes Divinitus, December 7, 1965. Translated by Redmond Fitzmaurice. In Vatican Council II. The Documents of Vatican II. Austin P. Flannery, General Editor. Preface by John Cardinal Wright. New York: Pillar Books, 1975. Translation of “Decretum: De Activitate Missionali Ecclesiae.” In Vaticani II, Cura et Studio Archivi Concilii Oecumenici. Acta Synodalia Sacrosancti Concilii Oecumenici Vaticani. Volumen IV. Periodus Quarta. Pars VII: Congregationes Generalis CLXV – CLXVIII. Sessiones Publicae IX-X. Vatican City: Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, 1978. Pages 673-704.

Vatican Council II. “Decree on the Ministry and Life of Priests.” Presbyterorum Ordinis, 7 Dec. 1965. Translated by Archbishop Joseph Cunnane, of Tuam, and revised by Michael Mooney and Enda Lyons of St. Jarlath’s College, Tuam, County Galway. In Vatican Council II. The Documents of Vatican II. Austin P. Flannery, General Editor. New York: Pillar Books, 1975. Translation of “Decretum: De Presbyterorum ministerio et vita.” In Vaticani II, Cura et Studio Archivi Concilii Oecumenici. Acta Synodalia Sacrosancti Concilii Oecumenici Vaticani. Volumen IV. Periodus Quarta. Pars VII: Congregationes Generalis CLXV – CLXVIII. Sessiones Publicae IX-X. Vatican City: Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, 1978. Pages 704-732.

Vatican Council II. “Decree on the Pastoral Office of Bishops in the Church.” Christus Dominus, October 28, 1965. Translation by Matthew Dillon, Edward O’Leary and Austin P. Flannery. In Vatican Council II. The Documents of Vatican II. Austin P. Flannery, General Editor. Preface by John Cardinal Wright. New York: Pillar Books, 1975. Translation of “Decretum: De Pastorali Episcoporum Munere in Ecclesia.” In Vaticani II, Cura et Studio Archivi Concilii Oecumenici. Acta Synodalia Sacrosancti Concilii Oecumenici Vaticani. Volumen IV. Periodus Quarta. Pars V: Congregationes Generalis CLI – CLV. Session Publica VII. Vatican City: Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, 1978. Pages 564-584.

Vatican Council II. “Dogmatic Constitution on the Church.” Lumen Gentium, Nov. 21, 1964. Translated by Father Colman O’Neill, O.P. In Vatican Council II. The Documents of Vatican II. Austin P. Flannery, General Editor. New York: Pillar Books, 1975. Translation of “Constitutio Dogmatica: De Ecclesia.” In Vaticani II, Cura et Studio Archivi Concilii Oecumenici. Acta Synodalia Sacrosancti Concilii Oecumenici Vaticani. Volumen III. Periodus Tertia. Pars VIII: Congregationes Generalis CXXIII – CXXVII. Session Publica V. Vatican City: Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, 1976. Pages 784-836.

Vaticani II. Cura et Studio Archivi Concilii Oecumenici Vaticani II. Acta Synodalia Sacrosancti Concilii Oecumenici Vaticani. 24 Volumes. Volumen I: Periodus prima, Pars I-IV; Volumen II: Periodus secunda, Pars I-VI; Volumen III: Periodus tertia, Pars I-VIII; Volumen IV: Periodus quarta, Pars I-VI. Vatican City: Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, 1970-1978.

Vaughn, David L. “Implementing Spirituality in Catholic Parish Councils.” Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for certification in the National Association of Church Business Administration at the University of St. Thomas. St. Paul, MN: University of St. Thomas, June, 1994. 79 pp.

Youngstown, Diocese of (2000). A Guide for Parish Pastoral Councils: A People of Mission and Vision. Copyright 2000.  Accessed April 27, 2007.

Zech, Charles E.  Best Practices in Parish Stewardship.  Huntington, IN: Our Sunday Visitor, Inc., 2010.

Zech, Charles E., “Developing Stewards in a Parish Setting,” Chapter 7 of Zech, editor, The Parish Management Handbook, pp. 154-172.

Zech, Charles E., editor. The Parish Management Handbook: A Practical Guide for Pastors, Administrators, and Other Parish Leaders. Mystic, CT: Twenty-Third Publications/Bayard, 2003.

Zech, Charles E., Mary L. Gautier, Robert J. Miller, and Mary E. Bendyna, RMS.  Best Practices of Catholic Pastoral and Finance Councils.  Huntington, IN: Our Sunday Visitor, Inc., 2010.